I look forward to returning to Maine in August for three book events.
On August 6 I will be speaking at Barnes & Noble’s new store—opened May 15—in South Portland at 200 Running Hill Rd.
This new store is part of the acquisition of Barnes & Noble by Englishman James Daunt. In England he took over the failing Waterstones books in 2011, believing that independent bookstores could compete with Amazon.
He returned them to profitability by urging each store to be truly independent, not a cookie cutter where every store looks the same. In 2019 he took over Barnes & Noble. In the last five years he has closed stores and opened stores. He believes a store in Portland Maine should not look like a store in Portland Oregon.
On August 12, an event at the Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain home in Brunswick at 4:30 p.m. The event will be hosted by Larissa Picard, Executive Director of the Pejepscot History Center. She has invited me to speak about the responses in the nine months after the publication of On Great Fields on October 31, 2023
On August 13 I am pleased to be at Left Bank Books in Belfast at 6:30 p.m. Nancy Hauswald hosts an amazing array of authors including David McCullough six times. Her book events are often so popular that they are held in Belfast’s historic First Church.

This is the very church that invited Chamberlain to be their minister in 1855 when he graduated from Bangor Theological Seminary.er
I look forward to seeing old and new friends in Maine in August.